Could you please describe your customer satisfaction regarding our product/service and the success of the business in the European market?
Antonio Caraviello: Sòphia, "born" in July 2013, has been classified by the Ministry of Economic Development (Italy) as
innovative start-up. This company classification identifies a company
that has as its sole goal the development and production of products
and services with high technological value, whose founding members are at least PhD students.
The idea, behind the establishment the company,
to design and sell standard fixtures (according to UNI, EN, ISO, ASTM,
DIN, BS, AF, etc.) and special fixtures to perform mechanical tests on
innovative materials, as composite materials. The approach to the market
requirements has been very flexible because Sòphia, over assisting
clients in the testing phase, ensures total support in engineering with
high technological value, especially in R&D. Then the growth of
Sòphia, evaluated relative to the market, has a high performance index
since its birth (about half a year ago) has enriched the core business
of all the skills of PhDs and university professors, in the shareholder
Sòphia has started from the realization of testing equipment and now realizes, for example, an appropriate custom equipment for a customer, to perform the tests of friction welding titanium. For this reason the company is undergoing spin off accreditation at the University of Naples Federico II .
A.C.: Below the goals for business growth, achieved in the past 18 months of activity:
- Purchase of certified FEM software with high technological potential (MSC PATRAN, NASTRAN, ADAMS, MARC)
- Purchase of CAD design software (CATIA, ENOVIA, 3D VIA COMPOSER)
- Quality Certification: ISO 9001
- Spacious and professional Headquarters, adjacent to a manufacturing company (Mek Euro)
- Creating jobs: No. 10
- Creating internship: No. 1
- Creating university internships: No. 3
- Professional training for employees (from University Professors)
- Partnerships with manufacturing companies (MP, Mek Euro, Zito) for a valid supply chain
- Partnership with the University of Naples Federico II for technology transfer
- Admission to Smart & Start financing (Start & Smart, an initiative of Invitalia and the Ministry of Economic Development, finances innovative start-ups which have an innovation project characterized by a significant technology content)
- Sòphia has been named by the Ministry of Economic Development: National Success case
- Creating a solid network of customersItal (Fincantieri, FIAT, University of Naples Federico II, Alenia Aeronautica, ENEL, DE WALT, Ansaldo, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Magnaghi Aeronautica)
- Access to internationalization programs with Italian Trade Agency through managerial training
- Creation of a Marketing Strategy (stickers, brochures, website, trade fairs, business card, business ties, social networks, interviews)
- Writing a research program
- Awareness for the return of the brains
- Writing an academic paper, still in validation
A.I.: What are the key strategies that allow you to be innovative?
A.C.: The key strategies that led TBiz results, are summarized below:

Sòphia is a limited liability, but the people who work for it have the typical
2. To involve human resources in the company's mission.
Sòphia considers employees the main stakeholders of thecompany. The founders were able to transmit to each employee the corporate vision, spending time to plan their growth. The partners have therefore decided to support economically
not perceiving gains or a fixed salary from the company, despite
working actively in Sòphia. Sophia believes enormously that the managerial
sector meets continually technical field, generating the necessary knowledge exchange. This because we strongly believe that the technicians of today will be the managers of tomorrow.
3. To find the right partnerships.
is pursued offering to customers a complete package which includes
not only the digital prototyping but also the physical mock up and testing. For this reason, the first partner of Sòphia is Mek Euro, a
manufacturing company, which operates in the field of precision
engineering. Both companies are located in the same building, so each market request is processed through both for
design, for production and industrial automation.
4. To involve the University.
is the bridge between research and company (business) since it was founded by
researchers who gained high industrial skills. Sòphia is waiting to receive the spin off accreditation from the University of Naples Federico II, and it
actively works in close collaboration with the DICMAPI - Department of
chemical engineering, material and industrial production of this university.
5. To make a appropriate business communication.
web now defines Sophia "the team of red ties". The idea is always to
introduce ourselves as a compact team, inspired by TEAM of Formula One
or football TEAM: All united and ready to solve a problem, answer a need.
6. To study.
The managerial areas of Sòphia are all driven by PhDs. They look deep at everyday issues related to their work and make strategic choices increasingly innovative. Even in this sense, the
approach to customers is highly technical, involving them from the
outset, in the technical and operational choices.
To join the national financing.
Sophia stood out in Italy for its uniqueness and therefore had access to funding programs promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development. As a innovative start up Sòphia received funding from INVITALIA, with 70% of the grant. This allows to accelerate exponentially its business investments, focusing constantly on business growth. The TEAM, highly motivated, sees the professional challenges as the solution to a continuous growth in order to become LEADER in the field of Engineering
Sophia stood out in Italy for its uniqueness and therefore had access to funding programs promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development. As a innovative start up Sòphia received funding from INVITALIA, with 70% of the grant. This allows to accelerate exponentially its business investments, focusing constantly on business growth. The TEAM, highly motivated, sees the professional challenges as the solution to a continuous growth in order to become LEADER in the field of Engineering